If you’ve been operating your website and business for a while, you probably have a good idea who your target market is. But your social media audience could be considerably different.
We’ve all seen pages on Facebook with thousands…even millions of followers. We’ve seen the same with Twitter and other social networks. It may seem a little overwhelming if you’re starting with a small following and it may feel like you’re just not going to get anywhere if you don’t have a huge following.
Getting Lost on Social Media? Social media is one of the most important business communication developments in a long time, but it’s also one of the biggest sources of distraction and is often a time suck for otherwise productive business owners.
I’ve really enjoyed sharing in the past few posts some new ideas and perspectives for profitable blogging. When you think about all that has been covered, it really comes down to a couple of things.
I’ve talked about guest blogging before. In fact, I think it’s quite obvious that being a guest blogger can be a tremendous benefit to you and your business.
Just about every blogger would love to have a larger following. A bigger audience means we can get our message out to more people and ultimately, we can achieve more profit from our work.
It’s the frustration of many a blogger. They keep writing, writing, writing, but the comments are few and far between. If you’ve dealt with this, you may have felt like you were talking to yourself. I’ve been there myself, so know how you feel.
Today’s web is far more visual than it was just 5, 7 or 10 years ago. These days, with faster Internet speeds and sophisticated mobile devices, it’s possible to use more images in your content.