
  • Systemizing Your Business for Success

    When you look at a successful entrepreneur or business owner do you ever wonder how they manage to get it all done?

    The answer is they have systems in place.

    It’s true. The most productive people all have one thing in common: they don’t reinvent the wheel every day. Instead, they’ve figured out the best, most efficient way to do every task, and they create a system to do just that.

    No matter what business you’re in and what projects you find yourself tackling, a systemized approach will help you:

    • Work faster and produce more
    • Produce higher quality results with fewer mistakes
    • Easily outsource the tasks you don’t like to do

    The Magic of Templates

    How many times do you answer email from potential clients? What about responding to customer concerns?

    These tasks and become more effortless when you create fill-in-the-blank templates that can be re-purposed for specific cases/people. Templates can be as simple as a “canned response” in your email client or help desk, or you can use software such as Text Expander (for Mac) or Phrase Express (for Windows). You might even create a template document in Dropbox or Google Drive to house all your templates for easier access for you and your support staff.

    While templates will undoubtedly save you time, the real beauty is that once they’re created, you can easily outsource things like email and even sales. Simply instruct your assistant on the proper use of your templates, and you’ll be free to do other, more important things.

    Checklists Prevent Mistakes


    It might seem counterintuitive, but when you perform the same tasks repeatedly, it’s easy to miss a critical step. You might think you paid your bills this month—you might even remember doing it—only to look back and see it was never completed.

    But when you implement checklists, it’s suddenly much more difficult to miss an important task.

    You can easily create checklists for all your common tasks and projects using nothing more than a text document. If you’re managing a team, checklists in your project management system allow you to see exactly what tasks are complete, and which are still outstanding.

    Templates and checklists turn smart business owners into productivity superstars, and it’s easy to get started. The next time you answer an email you’ve answered before, save your response. The next time you set up a new product in your shopping cart or create a new opt-in page, take the time to record the steps. These documents will make future projects easier and faster to complete, and best of all, you can hand them off to your assistant to do instead.

    And if you’re techie, make a video tutorial and show the steps with an over-the-shoulder training.

    Automated Follow-Ups Make the Next Step a

    No-Brainer for Systemizing

    As any smart business owner knows, the key to passive income is a well-established (and full) funnel.

    So of course, you’ve optimized your opt-in pages and monetized your download pages and have encouraged more buyers through well-placed upsells and down sells.

    But what about the follow-up? Do you contact customers about the products or services they didn’t buy? Do you encourage them to use the products they have purchased? Are you making sure they know about all your other wonderful programs?

    If not, you’re missing the boat. But the good news is, this can be easily managed with just a bit of simple automation, and when done right, it will smoothly lead your customers from one purchase to the next, at the exact right time for them to take advantage of your best offers.

    Segment Your Audience in Your Email

    to Save Time

    Many autoresponder services allow you to target emails based on reader action. Want to send a follow up email to those who clicked a specific link? Create a segment and mail away. Want to re-engage with those who haven’t opened your emails in a while? Easy to do, and you can potentially recover subscribers who have gone missing. Of course, you need a more sophisticated email service like Constant Contact.

    These tactics require that you know your audience and your products exceptionally well. Study your stats. Know your open and click rates. Pay attention to the promotions that work, as well as those that fall flat. With information in hand, you’ll be better able to effectively segment your lists and make the most of all the parts of your funnel. Knowing your audience takes the guess work and time out of mailing to those who have no interest in specific products, services or events.

    Segmenting your list in the long run will save you time and produce higher quality prospects for your business. The more hands-off you can make your systems the more time you will have to do the higher-level work that makes your business more money.

    Making small changes in your business can yield big returns. Systemizing as much as you can like other successful entrepreneurs will help you be more productive and make less mistakes.

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  • Negotiating Your Schedule When You Work Online

    onlineBeing an online business entrepreneur has lots of advantages! Besides being your own boss you can save a ton of money on gas if you work from home and you don’t have to worry about dressing a certain way for work unless your taking appointments. You can even take work with you anywhere you go, as long as there is an Internet connection.  But every type of business has its pitfalls, and online businesses are no exception.


    One of the biggest challenges you might be facing is staying on task.  The Internet is a big place with lots of distractions.  Social media, emails and videos with cute puppies and kittens.  There may also be friends and family sending you instant messages, too.  There’s also the phone calls.  The list goes on and on.


    It’s very easy to get sidetracked when you work online.  But it is important not to let distractions affect your productivity.  Even if you’re not getting paid by the hour, time is money as the old saying goes.


    Set Hours and Stick to Them


    One of the advantages of being your own boss is the ability to set your own hours. But that can also be one of the negatives. In the online world your hours can be long because you are dealing with different time zones and people have a tendency to think that you should be open 24 hours a day sometimes.  Especially, if you have an online store. I’ve had this happen to me. I had a client who didn’t know how to download his product and got upset because he couldn’t talk to me since it was 2 am in my time zone.


    Since we can’t stay on the job 24 hours a day we have to be able to draw the line and create our business hours. This helps our client’s know what to expect when reaching out to us and it gives us a life. After all, work is just part of who we are.

    work day



    So let’s talk about designating work time and avoiding Internet use for non-work related activities. Here are some ways you can help yourself do that:



    • Separate your email.  Use one address for personal correspondence and another for business purposes.  I even recommend having what I call a junk email address. You know for those places that make you sign up with an email address to get a free offer.  Set your email program up to automatically separate your email so that you can concentrate on the business ones and leave the rest for later.


    • If something pops into your head that you must attend to, don’t let it interrupt your work.  Write it down and take care of it during non-work hours.


    • Write yourself a note reminding yourself that work time is for work only, or put up an “Open” sign.  It can serve as a gentle reminder that business is the only thing that should be taking place.


    • Make sure you stay away from the temptations that working from home can bring like doing laundry while you are working.


    Use Flexibility Wisely


    Another great thing about working online is flexibility.  If something comes up and you need to attend to it right away, you can drop what you’re doing and attend to it.  But it’s crucial that you only use that privilege when absolutely necessary.


    When you have an unexpected interruption, you lose working hours.  If you were working at a regular job, you would have to either take sick or vacation time or lose pay.  When you work for yourself, you can make the hours up at a time that is convenient for you.  It is, however, important to make them up at some point.


    As an online entrepreneur you chose a convenient and flexible way to work from home.  Even though it presents more opportunities for distraction than many people imagine it is manageable with some discipline.  Online business success requires a lot of discipline, but the rewards are many.


    Here’s to your online business success! 🙂





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  • Reach for the Stars When Setting Your Goals

    When going into business, setting goals is an important thing. It helps you focus on what you want to achieve and motivates you to do what it takes to succeed. Reaching your first business goals is truly something to be celebrated don’t you think?


    Once you’ve reached your goals, what’s left to do? Make new ones! Goals are most effective when they are continuously updated. They motivate us to keep challenging ourselves and achieve higher and higher levels of success.


    Reach for the StarsHow to Set Effective Goals

    Some small business owners make the mistake of setting goals that are too vague. While vague goals are more attainable, they do not provide the motivation that more specific goals do. For example, you might set a goal to have higher sales this month than you did last month. Whether your sales are ten cents or $1000 higher, you will have achieved your goal. But which one would be more preferable?


    The best goals are ones that are measurable. The measurement doesn’t necessarily have to be monetary, though. It could be a percentage that you would like to increase your profits by next month, or a number of website visitors or mailing list subscribers you would like to reach in a certain amount of time.


    Don’t Get Stuck in Your Comfort Zone


    It’s a great feeling to meet your goals. It’s even better to meet them consistently. But if you are exceeding each and every one of your goals, it may be time to aim higher.


    Failure is so scary to some that they set goals that they have a good chance of attaining instead of ones that might not materialize. But by doing so, they don’t motivate themselves as much as they could. And that may lead to not working up to their potential.


    Instead of setting goals that you know you can achieve, consider stretching yourself a bit. Starting out small is fine if it makes you more comfortable. If you meet the slightly loftier goal, make the next one a little more ambitious, and continue this pattern with each goal that is reached. Before you know it, you will be in awe at what you are achieving!


    Set Aside Time for Goal Setting

    Reach for the Stars

    Running a business is hard work, and it’s not uncommon to get so caught up in day-to-day operations that we forget to make goals. But by skipping this crucial step, we miss out on an opportunity to evaluate how we are doing and give ourselves new things to aim for.


    Setting aside a time to determine our goals is well worth the effort. Adjusting long-term goals and setting short-term ones at regular intervals is time well spent. A good time for goal setting is at the beginning or end of each month. But if those are busy times for you, choose a time you will find easier to stick with.


    Setting new goals should be an ongoing process for every business owner. It is important to reward yourself for reaching goals, but it is equally important to continue to set new, higher ones. The more goals you reach and the higher they are, the more you can reward yourself.

    If one of your goals is to learn new skills check out some of my upcoming training sessions at

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  • Why Not Reward Yourself When Setting Your Goals?

    Why Not Reward Yourself When Setting Your Goals?Goal setting is a vital part of business planning.  It helps to keep us on track and measure our progress.  Meeting goals makes us feel good and keeps us motivated.  So why not reward yourself when setting your goals?

    That’s not to say that you have to buy yourself a new car for every goal you achieve.  That could get rather expensive.  But the reward should be appropriate considering how lofty the goal was and how much achieving it impacted your business. 

    Small Rewards for Small Goals

    Why Not Reward Yourself When Setting Your Goals?Every goal doesn’t have to be a huge accomplishment.  Smaller goals keep us motivated until we can reach more significant milestones.  This is especially important when getting started.  It may take a while to build the momentum necessary to attain loftier goals, and we need to reward ourselves for the smaller things in order to remain focused on achieving the larger ones. 

    Smaller goals can be the steps necessary to achieve a larger goal.  For example, your big goal may be to have a certain number of clients in 6 months.  Breaking this up into gaining 1/6 of that number each month could give you a monthly goal to work for. 

    Deciding ahead of time what your reward will be can give you an extra incentive.  For small goals, you could pick out a purse or a pair of shoes you’ve had your eye on.  Putting a picture of the reward up on your office wall will serve to remind you what you can look forward to if you meet your goal.

    Big Rewards for Big Goals 

    When you reach your larger goals, you will have even more to celebrate, so your reward should be a big deal.  Think of a big-ticket Why Not Reward Yourself When Setting Your Goals?item that you have wanted for a long time, or perhaps a trip for yourself and your spouse or family. 

    The larger reward will require some advance planning.  It’s important to be sure you’ll be able to afford it once you’ve achieved the goal in question.  If you reach the goal and are not able to get the reward you had your heart set on, that will lead to disappointment.  And disappointment does nothing to motivate or boost morale. 

    Once you’ve determined that the reward is feasible, you could put up pictures to remind yourself of it just as you do with the smaller rewards.  This gives you incentive to work harder to achieve your goals in both the short term and the long term.

    Setting goals is important to a business, but rewarding ourselves for attaining them is equally important.  By giving ourselves something to look forward to, we can motivate ourselves to reach for the stars.  Once we get there, we will be ready to aim even higher so that we can continue to reward ourselves.   

    At Strategize Your Success we would like to help you with your marketing goals for 2014.
    Contact us today so that we can be your partner for the New Year.

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  • Has Your Business Hit a Slump?

    One thing that you can count on in business is that there will always be ups and downs.  A business thrives on making the most of its options during both of these times.  When your business is not increasing in profits, here are a few things that you can do to liven things up a bit.
    Has Your Business Hit a Slump?

    First, make sure that you have a sound business plan.  Your business plan details a game plan for the growth of the business.  It is a guideline that you can use to direct future ventures for your business.  The plan is not set in stone.  It is open-ended so that you can add and change portions as your business grows.

    One thing that is worth your time when business is not moving forward is to re-evaluate your business plan.  If it has been some time since you dusted it off and took a look at it, now would be a perfect time.  Did the initial business plan include provisions for times of stalled profits like this one? 

    If not, don’t worry.  We can take care of that right now.  The last thing that you should do is cut advertising out of your budget.  Mistakenly, businesses often think that if cash flow is the problem, advertising or not advertising won’t make a difference.  In fact, it makes a big difference.

    When people are not in a mood to spend money, there are a number of reasons.  For starters, they may be resetting their financial priorities.  With the changes in the economy, people are holding on tightly to their funds.  Purchases and services used need to be worth what is being spent. 

    Has Your Business Hit a Slump?

    Revamp the marketing strategy for your business.  The business could be going nowhere fast because the old campaigns don’t work anymore.  Test each marketing tool to see what is no longer working and look at your business with fresh eyes.  See things the way you did when the business was first getting underway. 

    Have you made any changes to your website lately?  Add some new content.  What about Google Ads?  They’ll help bring new business and income for you.  Since money is a concern, write the content yourself.

    Speaking of content, while you are writing some for your own website via your blog, consider submitting a few posts to complimentary sites as a guest blogger.  What is guest blogging anyway? Basically, it is a partnership that results in an exchange of content between two business sites. Guest blogging can be a great way to build the reputation of your business online. The goal of becoming a guest blogger is usually to:

    • build relationships with other business owners within your niche market
    • increase your online presence and gain traffic
    • build your list
    • establish yourself as an expert in your field
    • acquire backlinks to your website
    • build your brand and reputation
    • gain more opportunities to guest blog or partner with others in your business market

    The key to any business surviving the ups and downs of the economy is change.  Businesses that branch out in many directions are often diversified enough to find success even after a standstill.  If you have the right tools and a bit of creativity, your business will continue to thrive.    

    If your business is experiencing challenges and you need help with your online marketing please be sure to contact us.  We offer a free 30 minute consultation.

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  • Ignite Your Business Branding

    Branding is all about the customer’s perception of your business.  Your brand is the promise that you intend to make to the client.  The ultimate goal is to ignite an emotional connection in order to create a positive feeling from the client. 

     Build Your Brand with Strategize Your Success

    Most clients are loyal to products they enjoy.  It is very common for a client to be impressed with a brand and continue to buy a product based on that brand.  You want to create these feelings of loyalty to bring them back for more.  This is the ultimate goal.


    Mission and Vision of Your Business


    The mission and vision of your business should sustain excellence in providing a quality product to clients that you care about.  These are statements about your business regarding the ultimate goals you wish to achieve with in your endeavors.  Many businesses focus their vision or mission on their employees while others extend their mission outward to their clientele.  There should be a fine mix here with both. 


    Many clients do not read into a vision or mission statement too often.  However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take it seriously.  Your vision and mission are both a part of the branding process because they define what your company is all about.  These two statements need to be believed and practiced by employees and all staff of the business.


    Benefits and Features of Your Products or Services


    A big part of creating a brand for your business is proving to the client why your products and services are the best to buy.  Highlighting your benefits and what sets you apart is important. Determine what the benefits are with the products you offer, the services you offer, or something else that makes your business unique.  How does the client benefit when they shop or buy from you?  You will have a very hard time establishing a brand if you cannot determine the benefits or your products or services.


    The features of your products and services are also important and they go hand in hand with the benefits.  The features of a specific product should provide a benefit.  Determine the features and see what stands out from the rest then use the biggest benefit for your marketing campaign.

      Brand Loyalty

    Customers Perceptions


    Branding is about a client’s perception.  When you create a brand you want to create a perception to that client that you are the best and that you provide quality services and products.


    It is important to have a good idea of what a potential client might currently think of your business when you are building a branding campaign.  Today prospective clients may not know that you exist or they may have a negative feel for your business because you haven’t been practicing proper methods.  Have a clear understanding on exactly what people think of you.


    If you are unsure what people think of you then you may need to send out surveys and questionnaires.  These types of things can help you get a good idea where you stand with the perception of potential client. It’s okay if it’s not positive today.  It will give you something to build on with your branding campaign.


    Perception of Quality


    The next thing you need to do with a branding campaign is to determine the different qualities that are perceived about your products by the public.  Do you have a good reputation with the consumer world for providing total quality in your products or are your products considered to be garbage and not worth the money?


    The qualities of your business may be many things.  When you think about how clients consider the qualities of your business, make sure you consider the products you offer, the customer support you provide, your image, or anything else that would make a client think of quality coming from your business.


    The vision and mission statement are very important for every business no matter how big or small.  Make sure that your brand works well and matches what you say you want to deliver.  Determine what the benefits and features of your business are and have a clear picture on this.  You will need this information to provide a clear picture when you focus on developing your brand.


    Also learn about what the client really thinks of you.  You might think they absolutely love you when they are really bashing you on the quality of your product.  Knowing what the customer thinks is very important.  Creating a brand based on client input can be successful, especially if you change the design of something for them.  This gives them a sense of ownership and it shows them you really do care.


    Now that you have the information that you need for branding go out and ignite excitement about your business and create an irresistible business brand.

    Are you looking to learn more about how to promote your Facebook Business Pages and navigate the in’s and out’s of this truly wonderful business tool. Join us for a new (7) part series called “Navigating Facebook Pages”. This series starts August the 20th at 2:00 PM EST and 11:00 AM MST/PST. Sorry this event has past.

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  • How Can You Reach Your Target Market?

    Gambling Your TimeWhen people set about marketing their business, it can be a big gamble.  If you are putting up money, it can be scary to think that you might not get a good result.  And if you are using free marketing methods, then you are putting up a lot of your time.


    Either way, once your time or money has been spent, you cannot retrieve it.  To make the best use of time and money, it is important for any business owner to make sure they are delivering their message to the right target market.


    For instance, a business which sells high-end baby clothes is not likely to see a good result from advertising on a frugal mom website.  Yes, moms are in need of baby clothes, but a site catering to moms who are trying to save money isn’t the place for the ad of a business which sells $40 onesies.


    So how do you define your target market?  It’s your ideal audience.  These are the people who would be your best type of customer. If you have already generated clients in the past think about which ones worked out the best for your business. These are the ones that you had a connection with and looked forward to working with.


    There are also other ways to determine your target market.  One of these is to take a few minutes of quiet time and visualize exactly who is in need, or want, of your product or service.

     Targeting Your Market

    You can also do a search for competing and complementary products or services and take a look at their websites.  When you look at it, who do you feel they are marketing to?  Do you find a similar image to their target market and your own?


    Once a business owner begins to target their marketing efforts and has made sure their message is being sent to the right market, they will see a much better return on investment. Take the time and really hone in on who that is for you.

    There really is no sense in putting time and money into marketing if the message is being delivered to the wrong audience.  In fact, it is a big waste!

    At Strategize Your Success we help entrepreneurs, coaches and small business owners with online strategic goal setting, marketing and planning.  We know what struggles you face and offer solutions to help make your business THRIVE. Contact us today for a FREE 30 minute Discovery Session. 


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  • When Should You Begin Outsourcing?

    More and more entrepreneurs are starting businesses as solopreneurs.  Many of them begin with no employees, leaving every aspect of the business on their own shoulders.  While this is certainly an inexpensive way to start a business, it’s not always the most efficient.

    young successful business woman working at home / office


    Fortunately, there is a way to get around hiring full-time employees.  It’s called outsourcing.  That simply means hiring a third party to perform work for you on a contractual basis, not as an employee.  By outsourcing, you get the benefits of not having to do everything yourself without hiring an employee you may not need all the time.


    How Do I Know When I Need to Outsource?


    As long as you have the means to pay an independent contractor to do the work you need done, it’s never too early to outsource.  But many business owners prefer to go it on their own until they absolutely have to let go of some of the work.  Here are some signs that you might do well to consider outsourcing:


    • You run into something that your business needs but you can’t provide.  Maybe your accounting has become more complicated than you’re comfortable with, or maybe you need a coder to work on your website.  If there’s something you’ve been doing without because you can’t do it yourself, outsourcing may be in order. 

    • Everyday tasks are becoming more than you can handle.  If your emails and phone calls are going unanswered, your customer service is suffering, and you can’t even make time to empty the trash, it’s time to get help.  Depending on your needs, you could hire a virtual assistant or a temporary in-house assistant. 

    • Your workload is getting overwhelming.  You might be taking on too much work.  Then again, if you had someone to handle certain aspects of your projects, you might be able to handle everything you have and more.  If you design websites, for example, you could outsource the content writing to a writer and the graphics to a graphic designer. 

    • You have no time to spend with family or participate in leisure activities.  Everyone has things they enjoy doing outside of work, and just because you own a small business doesn’t mean you should give that up.  Outsourcing can take some of the burden off of you and allow you to do more of the things you enjoy.


    Outsourcing is not a sign of weakness.  It is a sign that you know how to handle your workload efficiently.  It can allow you to take on more work than you could on your own, and that means greater profits.  Whether it’s everyday tasks or projects requiring great expertise, outsourcing as needed is good for your business.

    At Strategize Your Success we help entrepreneurs, coaches and small business owners with online strategic goal setting, marketing and planning.  We know what struggles you face and offer solutions to help make your business THRIVE. Contact us today for a FREE 30 minute Discovery Session.

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  • Being a Business Owner Can Be Overwhelming

    Starting a new business is fun.  It is exciting to think that you will be your own boss and make money.  These are all good things about business life.  On the flip side, being a company of one can get to be too much at times.  No one wants to admit when they are in over their heads, but if the business is to continue to thrive, knowing the warning signs and getting help is vital.


    Do you waste more and more time each day?  This is not a slight.  We all waste a fair amount of time, even with our businesses.  Wasting time could be spending too much time answering emails or looking something up on the Internet.  It could be taking thirty minutes to write up a “To Do” list and then only doing one or none of the things on it.


    This could be a sign that the business is overwhelming us.  Instead of jumping in and tackling the tasks that need to be done, we avoid the one job we know we need to address because we either don’t have the answers or don’t want to deal with it.  Either way, our business is going to suffer as long as we hide from the task.


    Look to fellow business owners for help.  This is why it is important to be a part of forums and organizations that deal with your area of business.  You are not the first business owner to feel this way and you won’t be the last.  Someone out there has practical tips that can help you to get over the hurdle and be successful in your business.


    Does it seem that you work and work each day but the pile of work never seems to get any smaller?  This is a sign that you need help.  Take a step back and look at your business as a whole.  What is consistently not getting done?  What is the nature of the majority of the work that is left each day?


    Consider your options.  If emails have you bogged down, find ways to organize things so that it doesn’t take five or more hours to answer them.  Set up your work day to include an hour for dealing with emails.  During this time, you can answer, organize, flag, create drafts, and whatever else you have to do to keep the emails from overwhelming you.


    Is it marketing that concerns you?  Choose one area to market your business.  This doesn’t mean that this is the only area to use.  Quite the contrary is true.  Once this area gets going, explore another part of the marketing strategy.  Diversifying is necessary but not all at once.


    Are you overwhelmed?  Take time to discover the source and find solutions to alleviate the stress.

    At Strategize Your Success we help women entrepreneurs, coaches and small business owners with online strategic goal setting, marketing and planning.  We know what struggles you face and offer solutions to help make your business THRIVE. Contact us today for a FREE 30 minute Discovery Session.

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  • The New Years Game Plan for Business Success

    It’s the start of a New Year and usually the time that business owners like to plan strategies for the year. They want to increase productivity and get things done which means having a good game-plan.

    This is a time of the year that I see a lot of people reaching out to coaches like myself to get the help or accountability they need in order to achieve success.  They may have determined that the year before did not work out as well as they hoped and need to seek support from someone who may have been down the road they have yet to travel.
    Game Plan

    So let’s take a look at what steps need to be taken in order to make life easier and flow better.  First, you need to know exactly what must be done.  Second, even if you do not have a specific deadline, you must also decide when it must be done.  The third step is putting yourself to the task of doing it.

    You want to accomplish your goals, whether they are short-term or long-term.  You also want to be proud of and satisfied with the results.  When you make up your mind to not “go with the flow,” but instead take your game-plan more seriously, you are nearly guarantying success, pride, and satisfaction. 

    Some people are more organized and are used to having structure and time-management as a regular part of their lives.  If you are not used to these concepts, now is the time to implement them into your everyday life.  Whether you are working a business of your own, working for someone else, or whether your work is taking care of your family you will gain many benefits from setting up a good game-plan. Any successful person will tell you this is the key to any sustainable success.

    planningIf you have ever felt that there are not enough hours in a day to do everything you need to do, this will be a very positive step for you.  You will be pleasantly surprised with how much you can accomplish.  With a game-plan, you may find yourself getting more done each day than you usually accomplish in a week.  Not only will you be more productive, but achieving each goal will come much easier.  You will soon appreciate this all-important factor in your success.

    At Strategize Your Success we help women entrepreneurs, coaches and small business owners with online strategic goal setting, marketing and planning.  We know what struggles you face and offer solutions to help make your business THRIVE.  


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