Month: September 2014

  • Blog Marketing for Small Business

    Blog Marketing

    Blog marketing can be quite complicated for anyone that has never even blogged before. If you are considering getting into small business blog marketing, you will want to first have a blog and see what that is like before you get into something more. Blogging requires dedication and patience. You have to update your blog on a regular basis in order to keep your readers happy. Doing so will keep them coming back for more to check out your latest post.


    Blogging for your small business consists of writing about your business. It definitely is a great tool that you should use to get your business out there and known by others. However, you will need to be patient because it can be a long process that will require much of your attention. Just because you have a blog does not mean that someone is going to find it and read it. You are going to have to make it known. Nowadays most people combine their blog with their website. If you have them separate make sure that your readers are aware that you have both and refer them to each other.

    Blog marketing is something that anyone can do.

    Having a blog and keeping it up to date with the latest information is not hard. All you need to have is a plan and you will be set to market any type of business from your blog. This plan should definitely include an idea of who your ideal client is. Narrowing this down from the start will save you time and money. There is no use blogging to a market that is not looking for what you have to offer.  Whether you are selling a product or a service, it does not matter. A blog that is marketed the right way will be beneficial to any business whatever it might be.


    So you are probably wondering how you are going to accomplish this blog marketing. When you are marketing a blog, you pretty much do it the same way that you would market a website. It is going to need keywords, great titles, eye candy (great photos) and content. Remember when using photos that you need to have the right to use them because it can get your business in trouble if you don’t. Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t mean you can use them. Play it safe and use a reliable source like rtf123 or Fotolia. Be sure to read their licensing to be clear on how you can re-use these pictures in the future. Some companies will allow you to use them on social media for instance while others don’t. These resources are inexpensive and can make your blogs pop.


    You can write your own content or have someone write for you.


    Keep in mind that you can write the content yourself but if this is not your gift you can pay someone else to write it for you but be sure that your personality shines through by infusing your voice into the content. Also, be sure that the content is relevant to your followers so that they will want to read it. This will keep them coming back. Also, make sure that the content is written using keywords that work for your market because this will be how new readers will find you on Google and other search engines in the future.


    Once you have chosen the type of content that you want to be noted for, and gotten some content and photos published on your blog, you will be ready to get it out there some more. Using social media platforms is a great way to share your blog. Choose the platforms that will attract the type of audience that holds your ideal blog follower. An example, is if you’re a Mompreneur who loves blogging about cooking and crafting then you might find great followers on Pinterest and Facebook.


    One of the best compliments you can get is to have a comment.


    Blog Marketing

    Another important thing to remember when you are blog marketing is that if anyone leaves you a comment, you should acknowledge it and respond as soon as possible. You can also comment on other blogs that are relevant to yours, and leave a link to your blog as well. This will help bring in visitors to your blog, and you will begin to see more and more traffic.


    Blog marketing for your small business is not rocket science, however someone that has never marketed a single thing before in their life may have problems. Be sure to visit our resource page for additional information to help your business. Remember be persistent, consistent and don’t give up.

    At Strategize Your Success we help entrepreneurs, small business, coaches and consultants with all their online marketing needs. If we can help you please contact us. We can take the pain out of figuring out how to do things right.

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  • Email Marketing Autoresponder Options

    Email Marketing
    When it comes to email marketing businesses are concerned on whether they should use a single or double opt-in option. Some will say that using a double opt-in makes them lose subscribers – after all, how many people really take the time to click a link to confirm their subscription? That may be a good argument but it’s really a weak one if you think about it.

    Anyone that is interested in receiving the information you’ll be sending is going to take the time to click the confirmation link. It’s pretty normal and standard these days so people are aware they have to confirm if they want to be added to your list.

    There are several reasons you should use the double opt-in function.

    1. Canada’s new Anti-Spam Law. With the recent changes Canada has made and the implementation of their new Anti-Spam Law, double-opt in should be an absolute mandatory part of your email marketing campaign. To learn more about the new law (for Canada), check out this article: What You Need to Know About Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL).
    2. Less chance of being flagged as a spammer. When people are required to confirm their subscription, your emails have less of a chance of being marked as spam.
    3. Better open rates. When people are required to confirm they want to receive your information and are willing to not only sign up for your list, but click that confirmation link, you know they truly want to see your emails. This means you’ll have better open rates.

    These are just three of many reasons you should (or at least consider it) use double opt-ins for your email lists. It truly is the best way to not only protect yourself, but to ensure that only people who really are interested in what you have to say and want to be on your list, end up on your list.

    If you need more proof that double opt-in is the way to go, look at some of these organizations that require people to confirm (double opt-in) when they sign up for their lists:

    • Oprah
    • Microsoft

    And that’s just a few!

    One other thing to keep in mind – yes, some people will sign up and still not click the confirmation link, it happens. But don’t fret. When it comes to email marketing and building your list, you want quality over quantity anyway. If you find that it’s happening often then you might want to put a note on your thank you page (You do have a thank you page you send people to after they sign up right?) telling people that they will receive an email shortly and to be sure they click on the confirmation link in it. Remember, sometimes people just need to be told what to do!

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