Month: March 2015

  • Captivating Your Audience with Blog Content

    BlogWhat I love best about blogging is that it’s not like English class where you have to use perfect grammar and syntax. It’s more like a conversation where you use your own voice and language for your posts.  Don’t get me wrong. You still want people to understand your message so you want to write well and you also don’t want to use too much lingo or techno jargon that not everyone is going to understand unless that is the only audience that you speak to.


    So let’s take a look at what you need to consider when writing blog content:


    Your Target Audience – Every single blog post should be written directly for your ideal audience. If you don’t know who you’re writing for, it will be hard to know what to write. If you keep in mind that it’s all about them and not you, you’ll write more captivating blog content.


    Focused Topics – If you know who you’re writing for, you also need to know what you’re going to write about and how you want your reader to feel about it before you start. If you can’t say in one sentence what you’re trying to tell your reader, you may need to stop and focus more.


    The 5 W’s – The basics each post should answer: The who, what, why, when and where of the topic Don’t leave things out that you think they already know, because your reader doesn’t have ESP and not every reader has the same level of understanding that you do.


    The 3 S’s – Each blog post needs to be short, simple, and scannable. People have short attention spans these days, especially if they’re reading on the run or while at work. By creating a blog post which has bullet points, your reader can stay focused on one topic at a time. Also, be sure to use plenty of white space in between to make it easier to read on screen, this will help you create a captivating blog post!


    Optimized Images – Using images and graphics is an important part of making a blog post look interesting to your readers. However, don’t forget good SEO, and always include alt image tags. Instead of just naming the picture, use the alt tag as a way to describe the picture. This not only helps disabled people enjoy your blog better, it also helps search engines or people who’ve disabled their images on mobile devices to read your content better.

    Your Voice – One of the most important aspects of writing captivating blog content is to remember who you are. While you’re writing for your audience you need to remember to write how you talk and don’t pretend you’re someone you’re not. Reader’s want to understand you and know you, and follow and read who you are. Only you can be you, so be the best you and bring on that wonderful personality of yours.


    Link Smart
    – Don’t put too many links within the readable content because it will be distracting to the reader. Maybe consider linking to like articles and blogs after the main content instead if it makes sense. Avoid links that go outside your blog if you can. I know that it’s no always possible. If you do link outside your blog make sure to create a new window so that your blog posts stays open while they are reading the connected content.


    Keywords – The meaning of your content is more important than keywords in many ways. You don’t want the concern about keywords to override the good information you want to impart on your readers. Plus, you don’t want to use more than three per page anyway. Any more than that and it can just get too crowded and make Google think your keyword stuffing which was a popular way of getting ranked before the new algorithms.


    Edit – After you initially prepare your content take a break and then come back to it and edit it. Usually, the editing process will produce far different and better content than you started with. If you have a virtual assistant or someones else you work with also have them read it.


    Promotion – The most important part about compelling and captivating blog content is to promote it. You can hardly know if the content is having the impact that you desire if no one reads it. Share it in places such as social media, RSS feeds and on emails going out to your tribe.

    Finally, it’s important to simply “do it“. So many people want to be money making bloggers, yet they never even get to the fundamentals of being consistent.  They learn, and learn, and think about it, but they don’t do it. Doing is what’s going to get you there. Doing is going to give you the practice you need to produce captivating content that gets results. I’ve seen what consistent blogging does for a business. It can be transformational in your traffic, opportunities and followers. So create a plan and stick to it!

    Contact Me Today….
    Contact MeIf you are stuck in moving forward on making your blogging dreams come true then consider being coached by me. I can get you on the inside track of creating compelling content, enriching your readers experience and helping you with your online branding & marketing. Just go here to get started today!

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  • 4 Tips on How to Use Your Blog to Build Your Email List

    One of the most important aspects of having an active blog is building your email list. You want almost everyone who visits your blog to feel compelled to sign up for your list. Your email list is one of the most powerful pieces of your online business. It allows you to have a closer relationship with your followers.

    So you need to think of your blog as a gateway to building your list which is essential. That’s why your blog needs to provide excellent, varied, regular and targeted content. Plus, don’t be shy, ask them to sign up. Make it apparent.

    4 Tips on How to Use Your Blog to Build Your Email List

    Excellent Content —

    For content to be excellent it has to be well-written, and targeted to a particular audience. Everything on your site needs to be accurate and above average from the normal site content such as your about page, to the rest of the content you put on your page from a blog post, to articles, to images and more.

    Tip: Get it edited, or hire a writer or VA, then you edit it. No one can write perfect content without editing. You also need to make sure that your voice is infused into everything you put out.

    Varied Content —

    If you put up the same form and type of content every week, people will get bored. Mix it up a bit and use slideshows, podcasts, video casts, eBooks, PDF downloads, apps and more. Your audience will be more excited to check out your content if they’re not sure what type it will be as long as it’s relevant to them.

    Tip: You can re-use content in one form and transfer it to the new form. A blog post can become a podcast, can become a videocast, and can become an infographic.


    Regular Content —

    If you aren’t going to focus on putting up content on a regular basis, focus on at least 4 blog posts a month. By doing so, you’re going to get the bang for your buck you’re hoping to achieve. Shoot for at minimum 4 blog posts a month and you will reap the rewards with a bigger email list and higher targeted traffic that is ready to purchase from you.

    Tip: To be sure you have plenty of regular content, brainstorm in advance using a calendar so you know what you need before you sit down to write it or hire a writer.

    Call To Action —

    Never forget your call to action. If you want people to sign up for your email list, you need to ask them. Your email list is the lifeblood of your business. If you build a targeted list you can give yourself a raise whenever you want to by promoting a sale, promoting your new blog posts, and getting your audience involved in product creation. The key is to ask them to do what you want them to do.

    Tip: Make it a habit after every blog, podcast, videocast, and so forth to remind users of your newsletter and your other offerings. If they read all the way to the bottom, or listened all the way to the end, then they’re going to want to know more.


    Using your blog to build your email list is one of the easiest ways to get action and a good return on investment from your blog. Fill your blog with useful, original, credible and friendly blogs that speak directly to your audience and you’ll discover that being a blogger is profitable and fun.



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