Month: July 2015

  • How to Actively Set Goals

    Goal SettingHave you ever set goals but then found that maybe they were too vague?  While vague goals may seem more achievable, they do not provide the inspiration that more specific goals do.  For example, you might set a goal to sell more this month than you did last month.  But what does that really mean? Do you want to sell $10 more or $1000? Either will make it seem that you have achieved that goal.  But which one would be more preferable, right?


    The better way to reach a goal is to make it measurable.  The measurement doesn’t necessarily have to be a dollar amount.  It could be a percentage increase to your profits by next month, or a number of website visitors or mailing list subscribers you would like to reach in a certain amount of time.


    You Don’t Want to Get Stuck in Your Comfort Zone


    It’s a great feeling to meet your goals, isn’t it?  It’s even better to meet them regularly.  But if you are exceeding each and every one of your goals all the time then it may be time to aim higher.


    Some people will set themselves up with easy goals that they can attain so that they don’t scare themselves. But in doing so, they don’t motivate themselves as much as they could.  And that may lead them to not working up to their potential.

    comfort zone

    Instead of setting goals that you know you can achieve, consider stretching yourself a bit.  You know that saying, “Step outside your comfort zone”. Start out small if it makes you more comfortable but not too comfortable!  If you meet the slightly loftier goal, make the next one a little more ambitious, and continue this pattern with each goal that is reached.  Before you know it, you will be in awe at what you are achieving!


    Give Yourself Time for Goal Setting


    Running a business is hard work, I know. It’s not uncommon to get so caught up in day-to-day operations that we forget to make goals.  But if we avoid this crucial step, we miss out on an opportunity to evaluate how we are doing and give ourselves new things to aim for.

    setting time
    Setting up time to determine our goals is well worth the effort.  Adjusting long-term goals and setting short-term ones at regular intervals is time well spent.  A good time for goal setting is at the beginning or end of each month or whenever it works best for your schedule.  If you have a team be sure to get them involved in the process.

    Setting new goals should be an ongoing process.  It is important to reward yourself for reaching goals, but it is equally important to continue to set new, higher ones.  The more goals you reach and the higher they are, the more you can reward yourself. Now that sounds like fun, right?

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  • 11 Ways to Include QR Codes within Your Business

    QR ReaderIf you have a smart phone then you probably have an app that converts QR codes known as a reader. This reader converts the QR code so that you can obtain the information that is stored. If the information stores a website then you are taken to that web address. If it contains text then you will automatically see it.


    So exactly what is a QR code? Well QR stands for quick response and it’s a two-dimensional barcode that can be printed and displayed in a variety of locations to help drive prospects to online resources. When used properly, they can enhance your marketing campaigns and increase brand awareness.


    When using QR codes remember that codes need to be located where they will get the most targeted action. If you’re targeting surfers, you’ll want your code placed where surfers will see it. Here are some placement locations that you may find useful in your business. 


    Magazines and Newspapers – When purchasing advertising in newspapers and magazines include a QR code for special offers, coupons or other promotions. If contributing an article, use a code to direct readers to your website author page.


    Storefronts – Windows and flat storefronts are ideal for placing QR codes. Hang a poster or self-sticking windows cling to announce store hours, customer service information and more. In-store signage and displays can be used for this as well.


    Product Packaging – What could be easier for consumers than having direct access to your support center right on the product packaging? A QR code can give them this. In addition, you can use codes to direct consumers to online resources such as product manuals, information on medications, instructional videos and even coupon discounts on their next order.


    Business Cards – Business cards are small so you can only include your basic information. With a QR code you can expand the details by linking to your website.


    Conferences, Tradeshows & Meet-up Material – There is so much information available at these events that it’s hard to carry everything.  Include a QR code in your display, freebies, banners, cocktail napkins and even your ID/Name Tag so prospects can retrieve your contact details easily.


    Instructional Manuals – Include customer support location and hours. You could also use a QR code to send people to an FAQ or web page for training tutorials.


    Receipts & Event Tickets – Receipts are perfect places to include a QR code for discounts on their next order. Include them on event tickets to send customers to your calendar of upcoming events.


    QR Codes

    ID Tags – Animal care facilities as well as pet owners can put QR codes on a pet’s ID tag. Daycares, parents and anyone working with children can add them to the child’s backpack or coat so your contact information is immediately available in case emergency. They can also be added to flyers you hang up if a pet or child goes missing.


    Stickers & Temporary Tattoos – Schools, scouts, youth groups and other organizations who regular take groups of children on outings can give each child a sticker or temporary tattoo encoded with a QR code so your organization can quickly be contacted if they get lost.


    Promotional Items & Gifts – From mouse pads to t-shirts, anything you are giving away that has a flat scannable surface can have a QR code. Include one to promote your products, services or offer a coupon for first-time buyers.


    Post Cards, Gift Cards & Greeting Cards – Include a QR code for free access to a digital product for your client.  Offer a code for discount on their next order. Use them to direct prospects to sign up for a free gift or to view your sales items.


    Maps, calendars, brochures, take-home menus and yard signage also make great places to add QR codes. 


    While not all of these will work for every business, there are sure to be some that will work for yours. The goal is to supply additional information and to connect with your customers and prospects in a way that is easy for them. 


    Ready to design one? Here is a blog post from HubSpot that you might find helpful called “How to Make a QR code in 4 Quick Steps”.

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