Month: September 2015

  • Keep Readers Interests by Using Graphics on Your Blog Posts

    In order to create great blog content, as well as keep readers interest, the use of images can go far in making your site feel friendlier. They say “a picture is worth 1000 words”, and that’s very true. It’s amazing how the right image in the right spot can make all the difference in your blog. Here’s why.


    Catch the Reader’s Attention

    Using Images

    The right image put in the right place can catch the reader’s attention. It can make the reader realize you’re being ironic, serious, or silly. A great image sets the overall tone of your message. The right image can even help tone down a super serious message so that the reader can digest it.


    Adds Interest for the Reader


    Images add to the content in ways that just words cannot. It breaks up the view into scannable areas for a deeper understanding of the blog post for the reader. The colors will make the blog post stand out more and keep the reader reading. A bunch of text with no break is not exciting. But, break up a long post with relevant images and you’ll have a winner every time.


    It Sets Apart Content


    People are very visual, and having a picture on the blog post helps create a more memorable experience for the reader. A Twitter post actually gets 95% more shares if it has an image that accompanies it. Blog posts can gain the same attention when you add visuals.


    Helps Reveal MeaningUsing Images


    The right images can actually reveal what you mean in your blog post. If you’re trying to teach someone how to do something, adding in images that make your point will be very helpful. You can use screen shots, or other images that tell a story that matches your blog post.


    Improves SEO


    Believe it or not, a good image and proper use of alt tags can improve your search engine optimization. Not only that, a great image will make readers more likely to share the content when it comes with fabulous eye candy. Be sure to fill out all the information of your image such as the title and description text for the image, using appropriate keywords.


    Increases Engagement


    Using appropriate images will make your blog stickier and make people more likely to engage with your blog post and comment. People have short attention spans, and if you can break up the text they are reading with relevant imagery, all the better. If you have thumbnails set up right, when they share your blog post the image will show up next to the share, making it that much more likely for someone to click through.


    Adds Humor to Your Blog

    Using Images

    Sometimes adding a humorous image can help when you are going to blog about a serious topic. It can lighten the moment and make your readers laugh. It might also make them happy enough to want to share your blog post with others. Be careful about choosing images for humor, though; you don’t want to insult your audience either.


    Use Caution When Choosing Images


    There is no reason not to add images to every blog post. It will make your blog that much more beautiful and relatable to your audience. Be sure though to use images that you have rights to use. If you are getting royalty free images online be sure to read the licensing. This goes for purchased images as well. Each provider has different rules. Some won’t allow images to be used on social media. Taking the time to read first will save you hassles in the future. Some people have been fined for misuse of images that they did not obtain permission to use.


    Create a Library for Your Images


    I use images a lot in my business. Over the years I have created libraries of these images so that it makes it easier for me to find them. I have them filed as to the source, the type of image and so forth. The great thing about images is that most are evergreen and you can repurpose them on so many of your marketing materials.


    So in closing, get more visual! Add your personality into your words with images. Remember they bring value in more than one way; SEO, readers attention and emotions.

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