Month: October 2015

  • How to Achieve Results with Blogging

    Creating a blog to attract traffic to your website, products and services is a must in today’s competitive online marketing space. Blog postings are probably the most important part of your content marketing campaign.


    The content from each blog post will attract, inform, engage, and compel your readers to act contributing to achieving your goals. To get the most from each blog post and to maximize results from blog postings it’s important to consider all the factors that go into making a result achieving blog post.




    Know Your Audience


    Who are you writing the post for? You’re not writing it for search engines, you’re writing it for people. If you know your audience, you’ll be able to formulate better blog posts.


    Know Your Purpose


    What is the purpose of the blog post? Is it to get people to buy something, to take a certain course, or to join your mailing list? Whatever the purpose don’t water it down by having more than one purpose.


    Add Value


    The reader should finish your blog post feeling like they accomplished something more than wasting time. They should feel more educated, more knowledgeable and informed than before they clicked through. Remember, it’s not about you, it’s about them!


    visual element

    Include a Visual Element

    Putting images or videos in your blog post will make it a lot more interesting to the reader. For instance, if your blog post is a tutorial, having video and images to back up the “how to” aspects will make it even better.


    Include a CTA


    Never write a single post without including a call to action (CTA), if you know your purpose the CTA should be a simple addition to the blog post. If you don’t ask your audience to do something, they’ll do nothing.


    Integrate Social Media


    Your readers should easily be able to share your blog post with their friends and connections by using the social media links on your blog post. In addition, you should always share every single blog post with relevant social media accounts and groups. Don’t just post a link either, post a description, ask for people to go read it, and ask for comments.


    Send It to Your List


    Every blog post you make should also be sent to your relevant email lists as a reminder to go read your blog. Ask your list to share your blog post with others. It’s a great way to get others involved in promoting an important post.


    The days of throwing up any keyword rich content are over. Today, readers expect to get value out of blog posts. Do include keywords, but realize that it’s going to take more than keywords to get readers to stick around and read what you have to say. In addition, readers want to converse about the blog post. By making it open for comments and discussion you’ll create more opportunity for more people to see your blog post and act on the CTA.


    If you like what I blog about why not become part of my community? Use our easy sign up form next to this blog post plus get a valuable gift for signing up.

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  • Have you started Blabbing?

    Blab front page came out in the Spring of 2015 and it has hit the ground running. It’s growing in popularity daily. If you haven’t started Blabbing you probably will. Whether it’s listening to others Blab or doing your own Blab Show.


    I have to say this platform is HOT and I love it. It has brought the social back to social media. It also allows you to instantly network with people all over the world. Providing you with opportunities that you may not get at a regular networking event.


    It’s easy to watch a Blab. All you need is a link. You don’t have to join anything. However, if you do join you might be able to participate in the conversation and meet some really interesting new people, get answers to your questions or give answers and highlight your expertise.

    It’s easy to start an account. You can sign up with your Twitter account. You don’t have to use the same bio info but you can. You can always start with that and change the information later.

    Blab ID

    Here is the screen shot of what a replay looks like on It’s really easy to watch. Obviously, you can’t participate in a Blab conversation but you can leave a comment.


    Bkab Replay

    Blabs are categorized by tags. Each Blab has three tag options to make them easier to find. You can also look Blabbers up by name and the search will take you to that person’s participation in Blabs.

    Blab Tags
    I would recommend watching other Blabs first before doing your own so that you feel comfortable with the platform. Once you are ready you can do a Blab by using the category called “First Blab”. This will give you a way to setup your audio and camera if you haven’t already. On thing to keep in mind is that unlike Google Hangouts you are LIVE streaming the minute you activate your Blab.

    I hope you find Blab as Blabalicious as I do. 🙂


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