Month: November 2016

  • 7 Ideas for Your Live Streams

    I’ve been blogging about LIVE streaming a lot and will continue to do so because it’s such a HOT way for you to market your business and it’s only going to get bigger according to all the experts out there like Buffer. Check out their post “The State of Social Media 2016” where they talk about how video content marketing is only going to be growing even bigger in 2017.

    Twitter saw the value in this and bought Periscope before it even released its product. Facebook invested a lot and continues to do so in Facebook LIVE. Be prepared to see a lot of video in your feeds.

    I know that most people are confused as to what to broadcast since many people can find being in front of a video camera intimidating enough so I thought I would put some ideas together for you. It’s easier when you have a plan.

    Repurposed Content

    PeriscopeIf you have been doing online marketing for a long period, there is a pretty good chance you already have a blog or website and have been actively filling it with content. If so, you can use the content from your website as material for your broadcasts. In fact, you can set up a weekly broadcast and discuss one post each week.

    The key to doing this correctly is to make sure you are consistent with your broadcasts. Do them the same day and same time every week. Make sure to have a question and answer period at the end as this is how to get people coming back.

    One way to entice them to join the broadcasts is to offer to give something away but only to those who attend the broadcast. The freebie will be announced at the end. It’s a good idea to make the freebies valuable so they will want to get one each week. A list of great tips is one idea on what to give away.

    Content from Private Label Rights (PLR)

    A lot of people are not familiar with PLR or Private Label Rights/White Label Content. It’s a less expense option than having a ghost writer especially if your trying to keep your budget low. PLR offers you content that you are licensed to make your own so you don’t have to always write from scratch. Our sister company PLR for Business  is committed to producing quality information and products for your business content needs.

    The great thing is that you can take a PLR product and use it in many ways to like live streaming topics. This will help you stand out as an authority which builds the trust needed for your audience to keep coming back.


    People love to learn new skills. By using broadcasts to teach them something new is going to bring them back repeatedly. This is a great method for engaging your audience with valuable information.

    The topics that you can broadcast about are only limited by your imagination. This is one of those situations where you want to think outside the box to come up with ideas that others are not.

    Roundups and Industry News

    People often don’t have time to find information online or don’t know how to do much more than a simple Google search. If you provide regular broadcasts containing information about the key companies within your industry, you will find your audience to be quite receptive to this.

    You want to make yourself the authority in your industry. Be the person that everyone goes to for information surrounding your niche or market. Scan for news stories and interesting facts about the people in the industry. This can also be a great way to network with these people by letting them know ahead of time that you plan on talking about them in your broadcast. They may even invite people in their own network and lists to sit in on the broadcasts.

    video streamingProduct Reviews

    Most people look for reviews when they are researching products online. Doing so in a broadcast takes it to a whole new level. People will pick up on your emotions as you tell them what’s good or bad about the product being reviewed.

    Product Demonstrations

    It’s one thing to read about the features of a product, but another altogether to see it demonstrated live. The difficulty here is that you need access to the products being demonstrated. But guess what? You can reach out to the product creators and ask if they will send you the products for free. They may be quite receptive to doing this, especially if you are showing the features of their products live on a broadcast. Don’t expect them to be receptive if you don’t have good things to say about the products, though.


    I’ve mentioned this one before but it’s a good one. People love to hear from industry experts via interviews. If you can manage to invite someone who is an expert, this can make for a great broadcast. You will probably need a selfie stick to pass the camera back and forth or just seat next to each other.

    Keep in mind there are new apps being worked on as we speak to bring you together with a co-host via your smartphones and desktop for Facebook LIVE. But don’t forget Google Hangouts on Air still lives as part of YouTube Livesteaming options so you can still do them there for now.

    As you can see, the only limits on what to broadcast are the ones you put on yourself. Use these ideas as well as others to become a leader in the live streaming space.

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  • 6 Ways Businesses Can Use Livestream Broadcasts

    live streaming

    There is a lot of buzz around live stream broadcasting. Have you tried it out yet? You may be unsure on how businesses can use this type of marketing. As time goes on we are likely to see some creative ways that other businesses dive into it but for now let’s look at the 6 more common uses.


    Most businesses can take advantage of interviewing experts in their field. Perhaps the business owner himself will want to be the one interviewed. It is simply a matter of finding someone to interview you and creating the broadcast. But even that isn’t completely necessary as you can run the interview on your own. You simply come up with questions that you want your viewers to know the answers to, then you start broadcasting those answers.

    Customer Q&A

    Why not invite several of your trusted customers to jump on a live stream broadcast and let them ask you questions about your products and services? They can also tell you what they like about your products and what areas could be improved. This is a golden opportunity to connect directly with them and get some great feedback.

    business tipsBusiness Tips 

    Any business can offer to give tips about the business to customers and potential customers. Plumbers could teach people how to identify leaks in pipes. Marketers can give tips about how to increase conversions in a sales funnel, etc. These are just two of many examples.


    Testimonials help sell more products. Potential customers love to know that others had a great experience with products and there is no better way to provide this than to use testimonials. The challenge will be in convincing customers to do so via a live broadcast. The apps available from Facebook and Periscope have made it quite easy for anyone to create a broadcast with smartphones. A word of caution about testimonials: be sure to ask the customers to provide an honest testimonial. Governments are cracking down on false testimonials or ones that are given in exchange for cash or awards.

    Before and After Broadcasts

    Any company whose business model is to transform something into something better, can easily employ before and after broadcasts. This can help show potential customers just what kind of work the business is capable of doing.


    You can use broadcasting to state your case when you want to raise funds for your business initiatives. You can give information on where the money is going to go. You can also let potential funders know what kinds of rewards are available (if any) at certain levels of funding. Also, you can get people that have pledged money to state why they chose to fund your initiatives.

    I hope you found this list helpful to get you started on ways to use live streaming apps. If you need help in developing a strong online marketing plan reach out to me. I offer coaching and consulting services to help businesses like yours grow their prescence online.

    Here’s to Your Business Success!



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