Month: July 2017

  • Best Practices After a Livestream Broadcast


    So you have decided to use live stream broadcating in your marketing mix. Wise decision since this form of connecting with your audience it SUPER HOT! But once it’s over what do you do next? Remember video is content too so be sure to use it.

    Giving away free information has always been a great way to attract customers into your sales funnel. People still do it because it works if you have the right formula. What is important when giving away information is to make sure it is over-the-top quality and delivers value. Otherwise, people are not going to watch it or read it and it will collect digital dust.

    Live stream broadcasts by contrast, present a higher level of interactivity. Of course, it needs to be said that if your broadcast is boring or does not offer great information, you will lessen the chance of achieving your intended results of getting eyes and ears on your broadcast. Your message will be lost.


    An effective idea on what to use your broadcasts for, is to set up a membership for the broadcasts. Facebook groups or a website membership site are good ways to share your streaming broadcasts. Keep in mind though Facebook terms of service will not allow you to charge members to join your group but your group can be a benefit to an online membership. So decide whether you want to charge members, or keep the membership free and monetize in other ways, like affiliate marketing or advertising.

    The broadcasts can be the foundation of the membership but you are certainly free to add more to it. In fact, you could set up a hybrid membership that allows free members to view the broadcasts but the premium members will get extra content. There are various WordPress plugins that can provide you with membership options like Woo Commerce, WP eMember or Easy Digital Downloads.



    Another possibility is to set up a YouTube channel where you will add each broadcast after they are complete. Then, it’s simply a matter of getting people to your broadcasts and asking them to subscribe to your channel. Again, it all must do with quality so if you keep your broadcasts at high quality, people will gladly subscribe. Keep in mind, that you can also livestream from YouTube. As a matter of fact, YouTube is working on enhancing their platform to work better on mobile, too.


    A third possibility is to network with other broadcasters and put together a mashup of related broadcasts. Mashups are fun and take the pressure off just one person providing all the content. This can be done via Joint Venture (JV) relationship. And it can be sold as a larger package and all the JV partners will send traffic to this mega-product but this is a more advanced process that is not for the newbie.

    These are several ways that you can reuse the broadcasts that you create. The one thing you should not do is let your broadcasts sit idle. Always find methods to put them to use so that they can keep working for you. Think outside the box!

    Be sure to connect with us on social media so you can see our live streaming broadcasts.

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