Month: September 2018

  • Using Quizzes as Part of Your Online Marketing Mix

    As a marketer I am always on the lookout for new and creative ways to get opt-ins for my clients and my own business. Quizzes are one way to get to people to answer questions about themselves because it shows that we are interested in their opinions and needs. And we as humans, are all genuinely curious, too. That is another reason I think that platforms like BuzzFeed are so popular.

    It’s Interactive!

    So why does that matter? Well let’s look at some of the stats and information around this.

    • Merryl Goffin, suggests that Consumers are looking for three things from content: Education, entertainment and/or social currency. Quizzes, games, polls and calculators are shareable and give you user information based on responses. Also, Interactive content can be the first point of conversation with users. – Forbes
    • The average quiz is shared nearly 2,000 times – Buzzsumo
    • 88% of marketers said that interactive content is effective in differentiating their brand from their competitors – Ion Interactive
    • Interactive content converts 2x more than passive content – Kapost
    • Online quizzes are, in a way, still considered a hidden gem of lead generation. Due to their ever-increasing popularity on social media, however, we believe quizzes are destined to be the next big thing in the modern marketer’s mission of capturing leads and increasing revenue. – Lead Quizzes
    • Interactive quizzes can be a powerful tool in the hands of digital marketers looking to collect information and convert online visitors into leads. By delivering entertaining, interactive, relevant content instead of simply asking website visitors to fill out a form, brands forge stronger relationships with their prospects and customers and deliver something of value before asking for information in return. – Qualtrics

    With all these facts we know it’s a powerful way to interact.

    So how do you get started?

    Recently, I found a platform that takes the heavy lifting away and makes it simple to get started on creating quizzes. It’s called Interact Quiz Maker. I tried this myself and I will tell you it was very interesting to see how it all works. Before using this app, I had never created one before.

    Let me share my experience.

    First, I signed up for a FREE account.

    Once I did that I was able to go in and pick what type of quiz I wanted to create. I could pick from doing one from scratch or using a template. I chose the template route since I was new to the platform.

    scratch or template

    The great thing about choosing the templates is that there are categories that are industry specific and all the hard work is done for you. I chose to go with one that was under the marketing category, but you can choose to look at all of them if you like. Once you have selected your categories you can then go to selecting your quiz type.

    Here you can select quiz types from assessment, personality or scored. You can even select all of them. That is the option I chose.

    That took me to all the different quiz templates available under Marketing. One of the features I really liked is that when I chose the “select all” feature of quiz types it brought up all the quizzes for my category and all the different types which show up below the description.

    You can also preview the quiz before selecting it and take it yourself to see if you like the questions and results. Keep in mind you can change pretty much anything on these quizzes which is also pretty cool.

    I selected Find Your Social Media “Secret Sauce” because I liked the catchy title and I thought it would pique people’s curiosity.

    The next step takes you to the cover page. You will have choices on where you want to go from here.

    You can select to go to the Quick Menu section where you will find Branding and Styling, Questions and Results. Integration and Share & Embed.

    I started with Integration to set up my lead capture and data collection opt in. I also connected the opt-in form to my Constant Contact account.

    In this section you will also choose what information you want people to provide on your opt in form and you can select whether you want to use GDPR and your own privacy policy.

    I chose to go with using GDPR since I have international followers and I included a link to my privacy policy. That is where I ran into a little snag. Everything worked fine once I published except for one thing. My hyperlink to my privacy policy wouldn’t publish. I tried it several times.

    After contacting the awesome people at Interact I found out that when copying and pasting my policy that I need to go to the front of that box and make sure to backspace in front of the URL so there are no spaces. Once that happens you will see a green checkmark letting you know it worked.

    Once my Integration was set up I moved on to Branding and Styling. I selected button colors that matched my business and initially I chose the feature to add my logo. After running my first test I decided to take it off. Why? I felt the logo was too small and it resides on all the quiz pages. I felt that it was more of a distraction to the quiz takers.

    One of the great features is that you can change the images on your quiz by uploading your own, an image URL or you can use the ones that are provided on the platform thru Pixabay. These are royalty free images with CO0 licensing, so they can be used in commercial projects.

    Note though if you upload your own you will need to make sure the image is sized to fit and that you have the licensing for the image. As you can see from the screen shot this one says 250 x 150 (it depends on which image on the sizing) and it should be formatted as a: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF image with a maximum image size of 2 megabytes.

    You can also edit the content to add your personality to the questions and results. And best of all on the results pages you may add a call-to-action button to take your quiz takers to more information via an offer, product or a blog post.  I didn’t do it on my first one, but I will be taking advantage of this on another quiz I’m currently working on.

    Honestly, my initial testing only ran for two days so my results aren’t anything to write home about right now but I’m excited about the possibilities. I promoted it on a few of my social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and I got some traction. The best part is even if people don’t finish the quiz you can still see where their pain points are because you can see how they responded. This can help you craft your future quizzes and products.

    This is a great app that does require a little testing to see what works best for you and your individual business. It’s also a great marketing tool to add to your marketing mix that you can use on your site and social media. It’s certainly a change of pace from the traditional eBook giveaway. Give it a go and try the FREE account.

    Visit Interact and check out these resource pages:

    How to Make a Buzzfeed-Style Quiz

    How to Make a Personality Quiz

    Other resource credits:

    Interact Quiz




    *I am a Partner of Interact Quizz platform however I only refer followers to products or services that I have tried myself and love.

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